




Usually readers and visitors are supposed to keep their volume down at public libraries  especially not to speak loudly. Nevertheless, I found it not  exactly well implemented in some cases.

The existing signs and warnings are not obvious, which would be easily ignored by noise makers, like those images below.

Inner communication does not require much talking.

Reading the whole world,

while hearing no word.

Enjoy the taste of books quietly.

Less noise, more quietness.

It needs cooperation from everybody to keep a quiet environment of knowledges.

With the purpose of providing a quiet environment for most readers of libraries, this project aims to develop an effective and polite way of accurate warning to those noisy individuals without disturbing others.

Building Layout

Hangzhou Library

As shown in the image above, the lobby and the diner are the loudest area.

On the other hand, the circulation center and the study hall require more quietness.

Questionnaire & Infographics

How much visitors are being disturbed by noise surrounded

The most serious factor that caused noise

Are the warnings and signs present effective

Do you agree to warn the loud individuals accurately

These infographics shows the result of a survey I did about visitors' attitude to the noise around them at the library.


Most visitors in the library were influenced by noise at different levels. More than a third of the visitors were disturbed at a low level.


While in the library, people go to to the self study area and the circulation center the most frequently.

More than half of the visitors think human talking is the most annoying thing in the library. Besides, sound of steps is a factor too.


It seems that warnings present are useless according to visitors as some even did not notice them exist. They hope the environment in the library to be quieter, and they feel good about warning the individuals that are too loud accurately.


According to the result of the survey shown, the entrance and circulation center are supposed to be two of the loudest area. Besides, people at self study area require the most quietness.

These specific locations, including the circulation center, the study hall and the entrance of a collection room are selected to install a mini projector with sound sensors attached in order to warn the noise makers to keep quiet.

Final Effects

Quotes used

“Quiet is the new loud”

― Joe Robitail


“Noise nurtures nausea.”

― Anthony T. Hincks


Use a quiet voice.


“Sometimes it is the quiet observer

who sees the most.”

― Kathryn L. Nelson, Pemberley Manor


“Silence speaks volumes.”

― Anthony T. Hincks

“The world is quiet here.”

― Lemony Snicket


“My imagination functions much better

when I don't have to speak to people.”

― Patricia Highsmith


'Quiet leadership' is not an oxymoron.


“I am a minimalist.

I like saying the most with the least.”

― Bob Newhart


Silent people have the loudest mind.

Volume Indicator