Real-Time Subway Platform Screen

Current State


The city subway system might be one of the locations that most citizens would spend time on.


However, especially in many busy stations of a metropolitan area, the train could be so crowded that passengers on the platforms could hardly shove into the train cars, thus they would have to wait for a couple of trains to get on.


On the other hand, the separated cars of a train are probably not loaded averagely.

If passengers on the platforms could be able to know the load condition of the next train previously, they could have chosen a suitable door to wait behind.


For saving people's time and making the best use of the vehicles, the data connection between the train and the platforms is worth developing.


Subway Station Mapping & Positioning

Number of transfer people per train on average

Crowded stations

and why

East Railway Station

Fengqi Road


Wenze Road

Wulin Square

Citizen Center

Largest railway station

in Asia by size

Transferring of the two busiest lines

West Lake

National scenic area

Higher education zone

Shopping centers

& Offices

CBD & City hall


Ivyoril Lee



Frequency of Rides : Every weekend

Distance of traveling : 20+ stops

Transfer : Yes

Think it's Too crowded : Yes

" I need this ! "

Peter Baker


Language Teacher

Frequency of Rides : Daily Commute

Distance of traveling : 5~10 stops

Transfer : Yes

Think it's Too crowded : Yes

" Sounds amazing ! "




Frequency of Rides : Daily Commute

Distance of traveling : 5- stops

Transfer : No

Think it's Too crowded : Possibly

" Not big deal. "

Wencong Z


Retired , Buddhist

Frequency of Rides : Every Month

Distance of traveling : 10~20 stops

Transfer : Yes

Think it's Too crowded : Sometimes

" It would be helpful. "

Most passengers said yes to this

In general, more than half of passengers think it is helpful to know the amount of load in different train cars previously.

Thus they would be able to choose a suitable door to wait by. It would be more possible for them to get on the train during rush hour, as the train is supposed to be crowded.

Car load of a train

Amount of passengers in cars of a train

(Rush Hour)



Amount of passengers


28 ~ 60


30 ~ 70


61 ~ 90


32 ~ 82


36 ~ 84


30 ~ 79

Guiding Signs Redesign

The icons of the guiding sign system in the station.

The three stripes represents the metro lines and the round dot represents the stations.

Posters & Icons

In order to guide passengers to the platforms or exits they expected in such a busy interchange station and keep things in order, a clear and efficient guiding sign system is playing an important role.

These posters are located at entrances of escalators and elevators, lead passengers to their platforms or exits.

Icons with three stripes guide people to different specific facilities or services that they need.

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