

The square shape city shopping guide brochure.


Unlike the directories available at malls, This brochure is designed to encourage readers to discover more about city and spiritual life. Apart from traditional malls, it contains different maps about museums, galleries,libraries,bookshops and other facilities.


The shape of dots map becomes the visual identity.

Mall locations

Book contents

Posters for World Book and Copyright Day

Contents from A Tale of Two Cities

In order to encourage people especially students to read, I tried to our everyday things people use with book contents printed on the surface. The surface could be schools supplies, desks, shopping bags, pencil cases, train tickets and so on.

It was the year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy-five. Spiritual revelations were conceded to England at that favoured period, as at this. Mrs. Southcott had recently attained her five-and-twentieth blessed birthday, of whom a prophetic private in the Life Guards had heralded the sublime appearance by announcing that arrangements were made for the swallowing up of London and Westminster.

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