Research · Urbanization

11 months total retail sales in Hangzhou per year

In the recent 10 years, the retail sales in most Chinese cities including Hangzhou has generally grown steadily with two factors:


* Inflation


* Population growth

With new comers increase, the real estate companies are building new blocks at the frontier of cities. They would build a big shopping mall next to their office and housing, which helps them increase the housing price and sell the estates.

A part of Hangzhou in 2 years



Fields turned into buildings

Roles in the Phenomenon

Suburb Local Habitants

Real Estate Companies

City expand

Housing price rise

Be asked for property

Big compensation

Gain without working

Extravagant shopping

Nouveau riche

Buy property

Build shopping malls

Appeal consumers

Build office & flat

Sell office & flat

Earn profit

Buy more properties

What about new comers who caused all those things?